Monday, March 30, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some food for thought...

everyone just wants to love someone

one day you will find someone
everyone does
idc what ppl say they usaully end up finding someone

and until that happens ppl loose faith
ive been there with my dad
my whole life hes made me felt like a worthless peice of shit
my love life isnt exactly booming and i will probably never find someone that truly loves me one day hopefully but until that happens it can mess with ppls heads. ppl get hurt loose faith and live a life of hurt and shame. life is brutal and everyone experiences it. its the way you deal with it that makes your life better if you get hung up on a certain dude or chick you will GET FUCKING HURT.

thats life not every dude that u fall in love with, will love you back
highschool dating.... is trial and error sometimes u get a sweetheart out of it and sometimes you get heartbreak and tears
so until you realize that or comes to terms with it.. you will be fucked up like the rest of us trying to find a place in this world.

-good nite Lock Haven.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blah day...

nothing super happened but drove around town with the Millionaires blasting from my 89 Oldsmobile's speakers=D


forever young

NAME DROP- prince

Saturday, March 21, 2009


i dont see what the big deal is?

i tweet? hahah as lame as that sounds!

"If we don't tweet we don't exsist!" -spoken from a true twitterer!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Noah says this to me all the time!!(JK)

WEB cOvErr

William Beckett covering Marching Bands of Manhattan by Death Cab For Cutie live at The Jackpot in Lawrence, KS.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I see this image everyday and its not a well known photo of THE KATY PERRY so i thought i would share it!!
Makes my day!! EVERYDAY!!!
pUpPiE lUv<3 SAAAAweeT

notice beckett's footwear!!! gAhsHHH

just good photography

Pure pierced beauty

fave photographer (well one of them)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Does anyone esle see the resemblence...

between the ex front man of ETF and the present front man?

coincidence? i think not.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Winston is bananas...b-a-n-a-n-a-s

Winston is bananas...b-a-n-a-n-a-s

“Beauty's sister is vanity, and its daughter lust.”

Why do i love Jefree mother fuckin star?..

Friday, March 13, 2009

funny shit


“ All the hardest, coldest people you meet were once as soft as water.
And that’s the tragedy of living."

english report (Disregard)

Michael Jackson once said, "Lies run sprints but the truth runs marathons”. When he said this he wanted to make a point that when people lie, one of two things happen. The truth is found out or people lose interest and forget about it. On the other hand, when people tell the truth they are showing others they are honest and gain more respect. In the villain and hero aspect, the heroes are known to be loyal, inspiring, and accomplished. The villain of course is the opposite, a foul, lying person. In my case, Michael Jackson is the hero and Orenthal James Simpson is the villain, (also known as OJ).

Michael Jackson has been part of pop culture for the last quarter of a century. Known as the king of pop, Jackson is also known as the front man of the all-brother band Jackson Five. By the time Jackson was ten, Jackson Five was well on their way, with a record deal and four singles that were number one on the United State's music charts. The Jackson Five recorded twenty albums during their career and their last album was in 1984. Although the Jackson Five retired, Michael Jackson was well into his solo career. His first big hit in 1972 was "Got to be there". Along with his best-selling album of all time, "Thriller", he also received thirteen Grammys, world music award for best selling male artist of the millennium and is a double inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Michael Jackson is a hero figure because of his accomplishments, generosity towards many charities, and no matter what the public may say about him, he still performs and stays positive. Battling two diseases vitiglo and lupus it’s a battle for Michael. He can’t go out in the sun very long periods of time, that’s why he is usually covered. Regardless he still performs to the best of his ability and entertains the world. Despite all the negative rumors he keeps his head high and stays positive. His fans admire him for his determination and admiration.

Like Michael Jackson, Orenthal James Simpson (also known as OJ) was once an all American hero. OJ was polite, articulate, and clean cut, and had a Heisman trophy winning American football career under his belt. After football he became an actor and became involved in advertising and campaigns. He then lost the support of the black community because they claimed he "turned white". OJ became a member of numerous private golf clubs and made friends with mostly white people. He gave up all his roots because that was not the way to live in his eyes. Eventually, being polite and clean cut turned into being sold out and arrogant. OJ's marriage to blonde, blue-eyed, homecoming queen Nicole Brown officially got him rejected from "black America".

OJ went from hero to villain on June 12, 1994 at around ten o’clock pm, when Nicole Brown- Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found dead in Nicole Brown-Simpson’s condominium. According to police reports, a single male entered the house, slashed Nicole and severed her neck from her body and also struggled and repeatedly stabbed Ronald thirty times, meanwhile around eleven forty five pm OJ boarded American Airlines and was on his way to Chicago. When police called OJ the next day to tell him what happened to his wife, OJ didn’t ask who, when, or how. Police then had enough evidence to put the murder on OJ.
The OJ Simpson murder trial of 1995 begins. This trial was referred to as a “real life soap opera”. People from both white and black communities tuned in everyday from around the world. This trial was referred to as a “great trash novel come to life”. There was one hundred and three days of televised courtroom testimony which turned many people in to OJ junkies. On October 3rd, 1995 ninety one percent of all people viewing television were tuned to hear the verdict. Orenthal James Simpson was found not guilty of the murder of Nicole Brown –Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
“Did OJ do it?” will forever be a part of American trial history. By the time the arguments began , the trial had already broken the record set by Charles Manson in the largest jury trial in Los Angelos. OJ Simpson will forever be known as the “All American Villain.”
Overall Michael Jackson is my hero because it’s obvious he is a talented performer and musician. Despite what the public may say about him, he still keeps his head high. The difference between Michael and OJ is that they were once bother heroes but OJ made some choices that made him out to be a villain. Michael Jackson will forever be the King of Pop and OJ Simpson will go into trial history as the all American villain.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Adam's performance 3/10/09

WOW. that is all i can say about Adam Lambert's cover of MIchael Jackson's "Black and White"

It was so mind blowing, it brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!! His 80's, raspy, voice is so unique and his stage presence is... well HOTTT.

dont forget to vote!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

1 of the 12 most unique business cards
1 of the 15 most amazing body paintings

MJ curtains closing...

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Reclusive pop icon Michael Jackson will perform 10 concerts in London in July in what he described Thursday as a "final curtain call."

Michael Jackson announces the London dates at the O2 Arena.

1 of 2 The summer shows, Jackson's first major live performances in 12 years, will take place at the 20,000-capacity O2 Arena from July 8.

Jackson, 50, appeared in front of fans and media at the venue Thursday to announce the "This Is It" shows.

"These will be my final shows performing in London. "This Is It" really means this is it," said Jackson, wearing a trademark black military-style jacket with sparkling embroidery and black sunglasses. Jackson blew kisses and saluted his fans as they chanted "Michael! Michael!"

"I'll be performing the songs my fans want to hear. I'll see you in July and I love you so much."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

i got a chuckle

I have to admit!!!<3 fOrEvEr breakfast

I know a few..

people I wouldnt mind giving this pastry to :))))))) :P

pOwEr rAnGeRs

Remember when Power Rangers were cool and they were all the rAvE????? Then you got to the age where it was embarasing to even mention the plastic toy that parents all over the world spent their drinking money on just to make their kid happy, and now people our age and older have found it cool again!! Well heres the shirt that will bring you back to the pOwER rAnGeR roots.

its your turn to spend your own fucking drinking money:)


FERSURE i need to see it!

coraline is the shit, btw. it’s the creepy, hot topic alice in wonderland. it’s completely handmade and stop-motion animated; a visual masterpiece and orgy of sweet textures and colors. this generation’s nightmare before christmas

Salt 'n Pepa!!!!

I need to find me a set of these and my life will be COMPLETE!!!

bItChiN kitty?

Do you work at subway because you just gave me a footlong!

yEaH fUckAh