Thursday, April 9, 2009

My inspiration for the day..


Luke 5:16
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

I was speaking with a young man the other day about the existance of a God.
His biggest argument and point was "Well if I could only hear God or feel God in my life then I could believe he existed.
" Fair enough. It wasn't until God became an active part of my life that I believed either. Then i stumbled across this verse in the bible and started to think.

Jesus through out all the gospels would go off on his own in silence and solitude to pray and be with God. There are other parts in the bible where it even talks about God being found in the silence.

So i started thinking.
How many of us:

Wake up to an alarm clock?

Go to school or work with the radio playing in our cars?

Listen to our co-workers or teachers talk to us all day long?

Hangout with friends after work or school?

Go surf the web when we are bored and have nothing to do?

Listen to some type of music in the shower?

Fall asleep with the TV on or our iPods blaring?

So if God is found in the silence then how are we ever supposed to find him or hear him in todays day and age of technology unless we are actively pursuing him. We do such a good job at ruining our silence its amazing.

We've all heard the phrase "Silence Is Golden" but how many would agree that pure silence is hard to deal with sometimes. It can be rather challenging.

Have you spent the same amount of time worrying and talking about your difficult, confusing situations as you have spent in silence, listening to what God might have to say?

I challenge and encourage everyone of you to set aside 5 mins of pure silence everyday this week. Spend sometime with yourself and with God. Listen for his voice in your life.

God Bless

even though i wouldnt call myself religious, i do believe in the god almighty. and i do get caught up in my life and dont realize everything he has blessed me with. reading this and watching sunday church on the tellie with my grandmother truly do inspire me but my goal is to me more "chrisitan inspired" not just on the holy day, but all days! and although i do like silence and have plenty of it in my life, im always thinking about other things going on in my life. I will take up the challenge and get "reanquainted" with god. (its been awhile)

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