Sunday, November 30, 2008

Coming to Terms has never been so hard

Deep, deep down I found a well in me,constructed in my youth,full of the stagnant water of guilt , pain, rejection, self doubt.Oh, the discovery was terrible,the owning of it very hard.That is where enlightenment begins

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I need Oxygen

WOW not (Word of Warcraft) WOW, WOW (love this fucking picture)WOW

what more could you ask for in a picture, The Radke man himself and the Muffin Man. AKA Aaron Gillespie, but hes just as good as the muffin man. Who doesn't like muffins? ahha

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Brookett loves Jesspie

Santi always puts me in a stellar mood.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. 

I plan on working on my art over vacation. I have 4 I'm working on at the moment.

Baking Pumpkin Pies today :)

KAT VON D video I made in my computer graphics class!!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

My "Zeal"

Bring Me The Horizon with Misery Signals , The Ghost Inside , Confide 
Sunday, Dec 07, 2008 7:00 PM EST (6:00 PM Doors)
at Mr. Smalls Theatre

Friday, November 21, 2008

Amazing..because sometimes I'm not.

It amazes me how quickly I can be brought down.

How quickly I can be lifted right back up again.

It amazes me that whatever you say

You put a smile right back on my face

It amazes me you know how to make me feel guilty

Without realizing it

It amazes me your opinion means so much

That one word makes all the difference

It amazes me that through everything

you are still there

Billvy is sick @ BBALL

Geometry for the day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We were all once standing alone and naked with fear.. i have come to stand out

Before Beckett sold sex...

Favorite Site

I saw this on my favorite site. Check it out!!!!!

Intoxicated Circulation

The residue that stains the glass , casts a glaze and blurs my sight of true beauty.

Jefrey loves text sex. (Hardcore texter)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I had to share..

so whimsicle and spellbinding.

Are you with me or not at all.

In the process of making my own web page. Stellar. So I was thinking about what to write about in my blog today. But I have nothing of importance to say. Except for this one thing. So this dude that I'm crushing' on has a chick right? Well I'm not sure what he sees in her, she lacks beauty on the outside and inside. But anyway. So I heard that ________ took _________ to the beach for a little VAY KAY and she broke up with on the beach!!! He deserves better. So anyway, I believe that I should stop thinking that I would be better for someone than the person they claim to be in love with. I'm done. Creative Writing Class today!! So stoked. Curtis had a gauge accident today=[ Sorry. He has half inspired me to get gauges but I don't know, I'm not sure. I don't think they are for me. TOO PAINFUL. Art is still a little dry, HYDRATE.Planning to go to G's on Saturday to chill with M,H,Han,D,and T.

William Beckett, Sonny Moore, & Spencer Chamberlain have a way with words. Jealous.

Art work of the day. Breath taking and so much movement. The color contrasts are so in sync.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nothing lost, Nothing gained.

Woke up this morning cold as fuck.
Hot chocolate was watered down.
enjoyed my blueberry poptart.
Was happy to see Santi (moe).(always am)
SAfuckingBRINA brought my spirits up.
New Jersey Trip with Santi
Out of all the dicks in this school Cody Dolan isn't one of them. (just for the record)
Drew a pretty rad picture of a banana and peanut butter in like 5 minutes.I work well under pressure.
Lost two friends but I dont think they were my true friends anyway. Nothing Lost nothing gained.
She knows what is important to me.
TAI TV was not posted on sunday night. No tellie for me (felt good)
I'm hopeful for reuniting an old relationship.

Beckett knows how to make me feel better when I am salty.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Artwork of the day. (feelings displayed)

Today is overall not a good day.
Snow is ugly and I hate it. Cold & dark & wet brings me down.
I can honestly say only one person in my life is there for me. Pathetic? I know.
Nothing has inspired me today. The only thing people know how to do is make me feel like shit. worthless piece of shit.
Putting words in my mouth, judging me, and overall being dicks.
Why must people be dicks? Why must people be arrogant assholes.
This post is by far the worst post ever in the blog posting socitey. But I dont give a fuck or should i give a fuck? Is that my problem? Being too laid back and carefree? Is that a fucking crime or a bad quality? Im searching for something, something more. Anything. More than what I have. Is that ungrateful? Am I ungrateful? I need answers. Answers I will probably never recieve.
I need a healthy way to conclude this.

(something I wrote. take from it what you will, if anything at all)

I smell it but I don't run
I see it but I don't tremble
I hear it but I don't even blink
Do I want it?
Is that why I stay?
Or is it a greater force keeping me grounded?

TWO day TWO day...

I haven't laughed so hard, so hard that I feel my heart beat inside my brain.
So hard my herbal tee spews from my nostrils.

Monday- day of the all days.
So much to do.
NAHS (nope) bummer.
Cheer fitting.

Anyway, so there is nothing zen about today. I have so many things to do. Im so frusturated I might cry.
People are upsetting me BIG TIME!!!!
Ahhhhhh SCREAM.

Artwork has been dry and at this moment in my life im lacking inspiration. HELP. School work is my last priority.


(more later)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Broken Hearts Blood dripping Darts

If I had just one bullet, and a trigger I'd pull it
Shoot my cupid out of the sky
Break off his wings, and gouge out his eyes
And thank him for nothing, 'cause that's all that he gave to me
Your love is my heart disease

(from my friend Lacy)

very deep, blunt, and true. It's what we need sometimes!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Black Eyes and Blue Hearts


I got a little chuckle our of this!!!

Ahhh a breath of fresh air!

Can't wait to go see The Academy Is on Thursday with Sabrina!!!!

"Your queer little smile, on your queer little face hate your legs but your smile is so great"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weight Room Radness!!!!

ARTWORK OF THE DAY!!! -unknown

I have decided that "Radness" is a word.

Today in phys. ed we went to the weight room. The weight room's musk smells of pennies, rotting carcass, and mold.

But even though i hate the weight room i always have a blast!

So Jessica (santi) and I were standing around and this dude was doing an exercise and Jessica blurts out "I call them tit hits". It was so clever and hilarious I thought I would share.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cotton Candy

cottan candy

This picture inspires me.
This picture brings back memories.
This pictures equals good times.
This picture is friendship.
This picture is more than a picture.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Stereotypical Bitches

"alright to all of you that think im "scene" ill put it this way SCREW YOU BITCH. i hate stereotypes (not that i have a problem with people that call themselves scene) just because i wear colorful clothing doesn't mean anything. i like being different

fuck i skate i dont care what you bastards think, heres an idea, accept people for who they are and dont judge them by what they wear...damn society sucks"

-Enjoi Panda

(this was a bullentin my friend had posted and I agree 100% on everything he said. Too many people judge these days. Accept who others are and they will accept you.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Inspirational picture of the day.
"Do not live in vain"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Read the shirt folks!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The smoke clears and in whispering waves of self-mutilation I can see the dark sky fall to pieces.
The world is sometimes too heavy to breath and the dead surround me like an ocean.
I can’t recognize the reflection looking back through the mirror.
I only grasp the concept of what it’s like to walk through life with a stranger holding a knife to my neck.
The empty shell of a shattered boy I know possess is my new skin.
Pain is my only horizon, hate, is my only form of flattery, ugly is the world around me and nowhere beyond the infinite infrastructure of the eternal lonely soul can my blackened heart be found.
If you want a glimpse of torment and bittersweet visions delight, I’ll gladly cut my head off so you can look down the hole.
Nothing there will bring the joyful bliss you crave.
Drinking lighter fluid to start a fire inside my guts, I am on a slow painful ride through the underbelly of hell and I wont mind if this is where we say goodbye and go our separate ways.

I am inside of you.
Living and breathing.

I am William Control

has a "The Killers" sound and Aiden vibe

TAI TV episode 23

Halloween show in Minnesota!!!!

TAI TV is the raddest! Enjoi.:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Occupied with life

Still adjusting to daylight saving time. I will miss the bright nights;( This morning was the mile run in Phys. Ed for physical Fitness week. Good thing I am a morning and monday person. I totally regret eating halloween candy before running though. The run was good except for the rubber legs, dry throat, and drippy nose. I beat my time from last year which was 9.30 and this year I completed the mile in 8.46. PB!!! The secret to my success was simply pushing myself. I imagined Spencer Chamberlain was at the finish line waiting for me!!! What an inspiration!!

Note to self- nice hair day

Deja vu

Sunday, November 2, 2008

so amazingly inspiring, heart wrenching, and painful.Almost too painful.