Monday, November 17, 2008


Artwork of the day. (feelings displayed)

Today is overall not a good day.
Snow is ugly and I hate it. Cold & dark & wet brings me down.
I can honestly say only one person in my life is there for me. Pathetic? I know.
Nothing has inspired me today. The only thing people know how to do is make me feel like shit. worthless piece of shit.
Putting words in my mouth, judging me, and overall being dicks.
Why must people be dicks? Why must people be arrogant assholes.
This post is by far the worst post ever in the blog posting socitey. But I dont give a fuck or should i give a fuck? Is that my problem? Being too laid back and carefree? Is that a fucking crime or a bad quality? Im searching for something, something more. Anything. More than what I have. Is that ungrateful? Am I ungrateful? I need answers. Answers I will probably never recieve.
I need a healthy way to conclude this.

(something I wrote. take from it what you will, if anything at all)

I smell it but I don't run
I see it but I don't tremble
I hear it but I don't even blink
Do I want it?
Is that why I stay?
Or is it a greater force keeping me grounded?

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