Thursday, January 29, 2009

KAT VON D's makeup line!!!;jsessionid=WLN0DGJIKKBPUCV0KRTQIGQ?brandId=5905&contentId=C18790

P.S. i got her book!!! read it in one nite!!! My Hero!

thanks santi!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NJ is where its at

ex frontman of Aiden making his own path

Album Review

Lyrics to inscribe in your high school yearbook.

The Academy Is... - Fast Times At Barrington High
Posted by Scott Heisel on 04-Aug-08 @ 01:52 PM

There's no getting around the fact that the Academy Is... write catchy pop songs. A cursory listen of their third full-length album, Fast Times At Barrington High, and any number of hooks could be stuck in your head. From the repetitive "forever young" line ("Summer Hair = Forever Young") to "I'm not in love/This is not your song" ("About A Girl") to the days-of-the-week countdown on "His Girl Friday", initially there seems plenty to sing along with. Unfortunately, the songs start to blend together as the disc progresses, and once the music has stopped, it's not as easy to individually recall any of the songs.

Musically, TAI-frontman William Beckett, guitarists Michael Guy Chislett and Mike Carden, bassist Adam Siska and drummer Andy "the Butcher" Mrotek-aren't doing anything out of the realm of 2005's Almost Here and last year's Santi. Most of the songs are vibrant pop, with the occasional ballad ("After The Last Midtown Show") thrown in to bring down the pace. But what they do, they do well, so there's not necessarily a compelling reason to step outside their comfort zone. They do use some interesting, almost robotic vocal effects on the intro to "Crowded Room." and "After The Last Midtown Show" is more touching than "Everything We Had," the balled from Santi.

Thematically, TAI do have an interesting concept. Focusing on their high school experiences in the Chicago suburbs (the title's a reference to Beckett and Siska's high school), many of the songs will ultimately speak to their core audience. Plus, high school is a rather universal experience for the most part, so many of their older fans will be able to easily relate to the stories of getting picked on by jocks and slipping notes to cute girls in the hall.

If anything, though, the timing seems a little strange. The album seems to champion looking back on school (as in the end of the school year, getting ready to start summer, rather than an album set at the end of the summer looking toward the next year). Audiences may've been better served if they had the whole summer to play these tunes-as they are made for driving with the windows down on a hot summer night. Either way, previous Academy Is... fans will surely dig the tunes, but Fast Times is probably not the album that will see the band expand their scope too far out of the high school/Warped Tour crowd. Rachel Lux

rad movie vs. rad song!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Day of 1/26/09

Scarf of the day!

Inspirational pic of the day!

60's batman kixs ass!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Art of the day..
a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

scarf of the day...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Feck You!"

fave movie of the moment:Almost Famous, oldie but goodie!!

fave song at the moment Thinking of you!

Comparasons are easily done
once you've had a taste of perfection
like an apple handing from a tree
I pick the ripest on i still got the seed

you said move on where do i go
I guess second best is all i will know

cause when im with him i am thinking of you, thinking of you
what you would do if
you were the one who was spending the night
oh i wish that i was looking into your eye

you're like an indian summer in the middle of winter
like a hard candy with a surprise center
how do i get better once ive had the best
you said there's tons of fish in the waters
so the waters i will test

he kissed my lips i taste your mouth
he pulled me in, i was discussed with myself

cause when im with him i am thinking of you, thinking of you
what you would do if
you were the one who was spending the night
oh i wish that i was looking into your....

the best and oh i do regret
how could i let myself let you go
and now, now the lessons learned
i touched and i was burned
oh i think you should know

cause when im with him i am thinking of you, thinking of you
what you would do if
you were the one who was spending the night
oh i wish that i was looking into your eye, your eyes, your eye
wont you walk through and
bust down the door and take me away no more mistakes
cause in your eyes i'd like to stay (brings tears to my eyes)

SCARF of the day!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


THE STUDY OF ART IS MORE than acquiring a repertoire of studio techniques; it is an education in intellectual judgment, philosophical understanding, and ethical principles sufficient to engage the often bewildering complexity of contemporary life.

anyone interested in attending University of the Arts....Scholarship

The Robert Posner Scholarship - $1,500.00
Born of an American mother and a Columbian father, Robert Posner spent his short lifetime being different: Jewish in
Catholic Columbia; gay in the machismo Latin American world; an immigrant with a Spanish accent; and an artist in a time
where fancy cars are more prized than visual works of art. It was in this different world that Robert Posner lived, struggled
and eventually succeeded in his attempt to bring beauty through art. His life’s desire was to be an artist and, while he
eventually achieved that goal, his true legacy was his ability to give to others, especially those less fortunate.
Robert Posner was a generous man. His biggest generosity came from his heart, a heart too big for the body it was
placed. It is in tribute to the man and his heart that those who were touched by him repay that generosity with the
establishment of this fund and its awards.
The Robert Posner Artists Fund was established at the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund in 2006. The Delaware Valley
Legacy Fund (DVLF) serves to advance philanthropy within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex
Who Can Apply?
Students who:
• Are attending The University of the Arts full-time in the Fall 2009 semester who have obtained enough credits to
be at a sophomore or higher status AND
• Support the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex communities AND
• Are undergraduate students majoring in painting, illustration, drawing, or graphic design OR
• Are graduate students with a background in painting, illustration, drawing or graphic design OR
• Are students who have a commitment to pursuing a career in the visual arts
This scholarship is available for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who plan to attend a full year of school.
How to Apply
Please submit all application materials to Amanda Black, Associate Director of Development, by Wednesday, February
4, 2009.
Materials may be emailed to or hand delivered to:
Amanda Black
Associate Director of Development
The University of the Arts
Advancement Office – Hamilton Hall
320 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Application Materials
1.) A typed, one-page essay addressing one of the following topics: “Why I want to be a visual artist” or any theme of
your choosing that allows the selection committee to learn more about you
2.) Five to ten photographs of visual art work samples. These photographs cannot be returned. Photographs should
be no larger then 8 ½ by 11 inches per sample or the images should be submitted on a compact disc.
3.) One reference. This reference may be academic in nature (e.g. a current UArts faculty or department head) or an
artistic peer (e.g. a classmate or artistic mentor)
The winner(s) will be announced and notified in March 2009. Awarded funds will be applied towards the 2009-
2010 academic year. All questions may be directed to Amanda Black, Associate Director of Development at
215.717.6137 or

liquid lamps

RAD as hell!!! I need these for my studio!

Hot Topic Employee camera malfunction!

Luckily we had a back up camera!!!!! this clip was to be a photo!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Young Love is Ruthless, so learn to fly...

January 15th I shook WIlliam Eugene's hand as he looked into my eyes and asked me if my last name was Beckett.
NERVOUS and ready to vomit! i was shaking like a fucking leaf!

it was an honor!!!! i finally met my hero!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A friend....

is a word that most people take for granted.
is a person that doesn't say "I told you so"
keeps your fucking secrets.
is hard to come by these days
can fool you in more than one way.
is a hard word to idenity people by.
I thought I had one.

what a fucking day.. it was fine until 9th period. FUCK YOU!

Must Read

Amazing book with blunt honesty, cruel characters, and grim reality. I have yet to view the movie, predictions on book or movie??


tomorrow will come soon enough

Can't wait to see these fine fellows tomorrow:)
Nervous doesn't even come close to how I feel!
It seems unrealistic that I, Brooke Marie Long will be meeting William Eugene Beckett! The idea is mind blowing.

P.S Siskey is my new bro!!

Apples to Apples>?:!?!? can i please play???

making a batman video with hana banana.

weekend plans with SAfuckingBRINA. sooo stoked

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Well done, as always, my friend"

Im a bit salty about the fact that I will not be able to watch William Beckett perform at the signing. I wasn't part of the 30 first people. Im thankful to finally get to meet him though. Just talking about it gives me that pit feeling in my stomatch! More on that later. As of now I have a midterm to study for.

PS. he is classy;) and he brought it back already!


I'm kind of diggin this shirt;) Kat Von D is the shit!


Monday, January 12, 2009


this is one of the reasons i love katy perry is because she sings about the truth. This video is so deep with truth it hurts. thanks kp!

...and im meeting my lover.

January 15th i will be seeing these two wonderful faces!!

this past weekend was simply amazing!! I never knew dancing around in ball gowns and lingerie could be so fun! Best Buds forever:)

Bekky is back with Coolton big surprise. She deserves better!!!!!!

I'm crushin on some dudes!!! AHH.

fuck them dirty hoes!
I have a mural on my back of the female reproduction organs.. thanks to hayl.
Hello Kitty is my hot hot sex.

IM NOT DRUNK!~!!!@#$%

Im hungary for some pretzels, luckilu I have some!

peace mother fucker:)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year...New Opinions... New Outlook...

happy, merry christmas, hanukah, kwanza, (what have you)

school starts up again on monday. I'm so fucking glad. my vacation wasn't very fulfilling. I didn't feel the christmas spirit this year.

my vacation consisted of reading, watching movies, drinking screwdrivers, and sleeping. thats it, ni more, ni less.
got a few calls that didn't tickle me pink either. bad news, bad friends, hypocrites, and whores:)

I'm very thankful for all:)

on another note... new years was exciting! LUDA performed @Rockfeller Center along with KATY PERRY!!!<3333

I'm not too enthuzied about KP's new hair style but what the hell??!!?!? new year, everyone needs a change!!

new years resolution... they are made and obided by for the first week of January and then we forget anyway!!!! I don't believe in them xD


my birthday wish is to go to a concert!!! not sure which one yett but I'm scouting for a good show for sure!!!:)

Betsy Johnson<3333
Sparkling Grape Juice<333

I do what I want, fuck the rest. I know I'm a bitch, why are you still my friend?

2008 goodbye, not looking back!!:)