Tuesday, January 20, 2009

anyone interested in attending University of the Arts....Scholarship

The Robert Posner Scholarship - $1,500.00
Born of an American mother and a Columbian father, Robert Posner spent his short lifetime being different: Jewish in
Catholic Columbia; gay in the machismo Latin American world; an immigrant with a Spanish accent; and an artist in a time
where fancy cars are more prized than visual works of art. It was in this different world that Robert Posner lived, struggled
and eventually succeeded in his attempt to bring beauty through art. His life’s desire was to be an artist and, while he
eventually achieved that goal, his true legacy was his ability to give to others, especially those less fortunate.
Robert Posner was a generous man. His biggest generosity came from his heart, a heart too big for the body it was
placed. It is in tribute to the man and his heart that those who were touched by him repay that generosity with the
establishment of this fund and its awards.
The Robert Posner Artists Fund was established at the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund in 2006. The Delaware Valley
Legacy Fund (DVLF) serves to advance philanthropy within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex
Who Can Apply?
Students who:
• Are attending The University of the Arts full-time in the Fall 2009 semester who have obtained enough credits to
be at a sophomore or higher status AND
• Support the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex communities AND
• Are undergraduate students majoring in painting, illustration, drawing, or graphic design OR
• Are graduate students with a background in painting, illustration, drawing or graphic design OR
• Are students who have a commitment to pursuing a career in the visual arts
This scholarship is available for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who plan to attend a full year of school.
How to Apply
Please submit all application materials to Amanda Black, Associate Director of Development, by Wednesday, February
4, 2009.
Materials may be emailed to ablack@uarts.edu or hand delivered to:
Amanda Black
Associate Director of Development
The University of the Arts
Advancement Office – Hamilton Hall
320 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Application Materials
1.) A typed, one-page essay addressing one of the following topics: “Why I want to be a visual artist” or any theme of
your choosing that allows the selection committee to learn more about you
2.) Five to ten photographs of visual art work samples. These photographs cannot be returned. Photographs should
be no larger then 8 ½ by 11 inches per sample or the images should be submitted on a compact disc.
3.) One reference. This reference may be academic in nature (e.g. a current UArts faculty or department head) or an
artistic peer (e.g. a classmate or artistic mentor)
The winner(s) will be announced and notified in March 2009. Awarded funds will be applied towards the 2009-
2010 academic year. All questions may be directed to Amanda Black, Associate Director of Development at
215.717.6137 or ablack@uarts.edu.

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