Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year...New Opinions... New Outlook...

happy, merry christmas, hanukah, kwanza, (what have you)

school starts up again on monday. I'm so fucking glad. my vacation wasn't very fulfilling. I didn't feel the christmas spirit this year.

my vacation consisted of reading, watching movies, drinking screwdrivers, and sleeping. thats it, ni more, ni less.
got a few calls that didn't tickle me pink either. bad news, bad friends, hypocrites, and whores:)

I'm very thankful for all:)

on another note... new years was exciting! LUDA performed @Rockfeller Center along with KATY PERRY!!!<3333

I'm not too enthuzied about KP's new hair style but what the hell??!!?!? new year, everyone needs a change!!

new years resolution... they are made and obided by for the first week of January and then we forget anyway!!!! I don't believe in them xD


my birthday wish is to go to a concert!!! not sure which one yett but I'm scouting for a good show for sure!!!:)

Betsy Johnson<3333
Sparkling Grape Juice<333

I do what I want, fuck the rest. I know I'm a bitch, why are you still my friend?

2008 goodbye, not looking back!!:)

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